Friday, November 30, 2018

Uncle for you

Preparing myself to meet him, took me a while
Unsure of his likes, dislikes, know not, his style 
Saw a simple man, gone are the thoughts volatile
Stood out was the aura and that awesome smile

Suddenly felt like family, a feel,"being loved"
Kids’ had  the vibes too, acted very disciplined
Protective grand father, seems cool and poised
From loving us uncle, never will you be retired

Possess an uncanny ability to stay quiet and calm
Blown away by your humility and the eternal charm
The moment you start talking feels overly warm
Your words remove our worries,act like a balm

Worked so very hard in life, now time to enjoy
Be with your grand kids and play with their toys
Savor all those moments, know the kids ploys 
Let all of your dreams come true, bring in joy


Thursday, November 29, 2018

Fast Life

Busy road, forced me drive in the slowest lane
Nice drive, felt relaxed and seemed more sane
Put me in new world, turned a boon this  bane
Much better this world, minimal the acts insane

Never seen before this world, though very near
Moving so fast in life, to switch the lanes I fear
Made me blind & deaf, I neither see nor hear
Speed never enough, increases year on year

Now watch all the fun, enjoy a stress free drive
Save money on traffic tickets, in me safety thrive
Maneuver easily, chances for road rage I deprive
Slow or fast, surprisingly at the same time I arrive

Fast all in here, tend to move along the stream
Prove myself no less, deep from heart I scream
For being a Roman in Rome, my limits I ream
Fast or slow, be yourself, secret to be the cream


Relation like ours, rare, not at all abundant
My "go to man", to help me, never reluctant
In my life, he plays a role, so very important
He very dear, brings in, an ambiance pleasant

Funny, but confident dive, and start drowning
Fathom one can't a dive, know not swimming
Always in action mode, and later start thinking
Resourceful guy, he around, need no bothering

A regular in  marathon, salute the dedication
Quiet often I try, to match his inner passion
Can't emulate, for he, a single piece of creation
Lucky me, born close, though in two generation

Spirits always up, works like, ''he'', a superman
Never holds back, before Rome, turns a Roman
Rely not on the brain, he forever, a heart man
Look through, one can see an awesome human


Friday, November 23, 2018

Mind Game

Feels like hitting, when I see the cricket ball
Yorker, bouncer, short or wide, hit is my call
How to curb?, think it’s the reason for my fall
Cricketer’s doubt, laughed away by one & all

Why stop something productive?, joy it brings
Believe, hit it right, your way the game swings
Free the mind, ensure no preconceived idea rings
Fly high, sky is the limit, clip not, the wings

Cluttered mind, cultivates worries in excess
Expectations, memories, cause of all our stress
All of our instincts and belief, those suppress
Those ain't yardsticks, never self you compress

One is past, the other future, do not pay heed
Remove those, and see the path to succeed
Reality is present, apt act brings riches indeed
Clean thoughts, now the limits one will exceed


Friday, November 16, 2018


Many Gods in here, can pick and choose
No any, create one, can be even a goose
Essence of God, one should never loose
Good old culture, "customs" not a noose

Billion Gods, convey divinity all around
Treating all like Gods, one remain ground
Silently practiced for ages, never a sound
The only civilization, without any bound  

Fold arms Namaste style, bow down a bit
Practicing humility tough, need to commit
Never be ashamed, let the ego take a hit
Traditions teach us some awesome habits

Indian, the only ancient culture still alive
Can't die, Gods in the midst, thy shall thrive
Blessed to be part of this cultural life we live
Take away is much more than you can give


Thursday, November 8, 2018


Knows nothing, pretend to be the master
No patience, in bits and pieces they muster
Ridiculously think: they the beings better
Know not, humility can make them glitter

"Old monkey take your tail out of my way"
"Too weak, do it for me", the monkey's say
Tail was too heavy, kept his strength at bay
Mighty Bhima was taught humility in a day

Someone arrives, just to show you your place
To correct you they are sent from the space
For its important for you to stay with grace
Humility brings in the much needed solace

Time and again, when one starts flying high
Achieve all wished for, see the pinnacle nigh
Can't touch the summit, come out only a sigh
Without humility, the only trait which weigh



My dear brother, did you read that book?
No, my lovely sister, for it I shall have a look
Finding it out, some time and efforts it took 
Complete it I could not, so I left it in a nook  

Read it, one can improve the vocabulary

No simple words, extravagant, not ordinary 
Impossible reading it, without a dictionary
This book soon to rest in shelves of library

Floccinaucinihilipilification is just worthless

Such a big word, rendered me speechless
Not longest in English, sixteen letters less 
The longest has forty five, now I am clueless

Awesome this language, flabbergasted I remain
Lot more to climb, in front a huge mountain
This life is not enough, no time to complain
Not a minute to waste, put back to work, my brain 


Friday, November 2, 2018

Hero pen

Awesome it's look, not less than a Latina
My childhood friend, admire it's stamina
So very useful, second only to my retina

First time I saw written, "made in China"

Those days always a lot used to happen
Many school rules, one such “No ball pen”
Using those hand writing will not sharpen
Started using this China made Hero pen

Soon hooked to writing, with this beauty
Always filled in ink, never let it go empty
Kept writing with it, as it was my only duty
Made it my master and myself the deputy

Hand writing improved, a feeling well done
Proudly placed on my pocket the hero pen
Stood out it’s appeal, sexy the cap golden
Still blows my mind, this Chinese wonder pen
Sree ....


Planets, not in position, stay careful, astrologer's yell
Some money, we can manipulate, the cat we can bell
If not followed the sacred books, will be put in hell
Whole life we worried, planning our afterlife well

After death I shall not bother going hell or heaven
Leaving my body here, traveling all world seven
Will I get a new form, do not know, no clue even
Ask who? none know, not yet any evidence proven.

No skin or flesh, mind not, getting fried in an oven
Apsara, good food, alcohol, do anything it mean?
Don't know without my eyes if they can be seen?
Wrote off, all agonies about hell, can come out clean

Now live fullest, think not, the eligibility after death
Follow scientific logic, take good care of your health
Enjoy your present tense, loosing it, not really worth
Only life we have, it is now, right here, on the earth


 एक थी मक्खी, वो बहुत गमंडी थी . एक दिन वो जंगल के राजा शेर को परेशान कर दिया और शेर उससे बचने के लिए मक्खी को सलाम किया . ये किस्सा उसने हा...