Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Day without phone

Woke up at seven, the phone not to be seen
Search for phone took away the dawn's sheen
No nature's call without gluing to its screen  
Such a helpless state, have never ever been
Dad's, mom's, wife's, phones disappear together
Every phone missing, can't ring one another 
Look for phone, forgot to cook, no phone to order
Drove- all food joints crowded and in disorder 

Stood in a long queue, wonder why the rush?
Lot people, some sleepy some dint even brush
Channels sure, extraterrestrial set up- this ambush
The world united, the enemy we shall crush

War followed, sophisticated- for us unfamiliar
Lot of lighting, weapons' sounds very peculiar
Suddenly hear my phone's alarm ring familiar 
Woke up to see my phone, gone the despair 

Sunday, February 7, 2021

Education: Did it ruin us?

Away from the chaos, move out on a long drive 
Travel the unknown, without the will to strive
Living life simple, savants can not perceive
Convolute senses, the knowhow they receive

Each road-turning, plenty surprises in store
New terrain, circumspect to get on the shore
Conceive notions on all, ready not to explore
Current system a failure, better the era folklore

Monkeys at the first turn, all staying together 
An elephant herd next, enjoying one another 
Next turn humans glued to phone ignore the other 
Enough I thought, wish not-drive on further

Felt, take a U-turn, restart the drive over again
Very late, revert back now, too much bargain
Control not the drive, let the course maintain
Let destiny take over, already embraced the pain


The life of educated humans had become too complicated as too much knowledge has confused them and they are happy living with their preconceived opinion(mostly formed by a google search) on anything without exploring any further, the system that existed before (pre Google) seems better. uneducated beings live and love each other's company. Now we have to keep traveling along where destiny takes us as we have reached a point of no return.

 एक थी मक्खी, वो बहुत गमंडी थी . एक दिन वो जंगल के राजा शेर को परेशान कर दिया और शेर उससे बचने के लिए मक्खी को सलाम किया . ये किस्सा उसने हा...