Friday, August 25, 2017


Some people senile, think very complex
Their natural instinct, make it perplex
They make it so tough, expect no flex
Talking to them, put something in annex

Some think straight, for them life is simple

With them you have, opportunities ample 
So easy to live, no worries even of a pimple
Deal with these guys, your thoughts twinkle 

For some the box empty, never bother thinking 

They hire these thinkers and do nothing
Smart creatures, will live life to their liking
And rule these simple and complex beings

Thinking how does it happen in our brain?
Brain is thinking but the mind  you train
Confused what is mind and what is brain?
Stop it! let me think simple take no strain


I think it was not easy to think about many of the homonyms which i put in this thinking that somebody may look at it and think that i am crazy and will...

cmon Good night this is going nowhere

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