Saturday, May 25, 2019

The inner kid

Need to be more serious, like a grown up
Kill the kid in me? keep away the smile
Task extremely difficult,on a look close up
Living seriously, an act not worth while

Child stays just in the nook of my heart
Keeps me lively and fresh, joy it brings
Imaginations, fantasies, now life's part
Makes me happy, even small little things

The inner child purely makes me what I am
Without the kid, existance no more a fun
Made me very restless, can not remain calm
Boring life, excites me nothing under the sun

The way we are made, take it on the stride
Focus and perform, the purpose of your life
Achieve, prove everyone wrong, take pride
Immensely value the outcome of all your strife


Monday, May 20, 2019

I don't know

Reluctant to use, learning now an all time low
Aptly use it, stop not the knowledge flow" 
Always use it, the ego takes very big blow
Awesome this magic phrase "I don't know

Being frank alright, doesn't make one weak
Never presume and turn self in to a geek
Best is to be honest, admit, help you seek
Life simple, this phrase can take one to peak

Use it diplomatically when surging ahead
Try deciphering self, ask questions instead
Turns more clearer, hold on to the thread
Still unclear, never panic, keep a cool head

Why stop self in using this? why complicate ?
Say I don't know, if know not, never hesitate
Communication issues, one can easily eliminate
Magic phrase in use, clear- the mind's state


Saturday, May 11, 2019

Differently Unique

My thoughts different from all others
My appearance pleasing, none like me
Rare to find one with my mannerisms  
Like me find not anyone, I am unique

My friend funny, I find none better
Certain things about him, truly special
My go to man in crisis, he very dear
Find not anyone like him, he unique

My parents, siblings spouse and kids
Can't ask for better than what I got
Awesome people, they one of its kind
Fit in my scheme with qualities unique

Look around, none similar, all discrete
World a place with differences unique
Still feel like saying from top of my voice
I am unique, just like everybody else


Life After Me

Worrisome the thought on his kids and wife
With out him, can they get on with life?
What shall he do to reduce their strife?
After him, world for them, risky, unsafe

My friend’s view, I disagree, can never give in
Earth dangerous? perception didn't sink in
For me, it's the most beautiful place to be in
And the only place where one can live in

Worry not the future on the current trend
Your world ends with you my dear friend
After you, it's floods then nothing but the end
True for you, nature's rule hard to amend

Friend, best thing  to do now is being selfish
Know and love self, life in you- never relinquish
Ensure flame in you, none can easily extinguish
For sure, worry free life you shall accomplish.


 एक थी मक्खी, वो बहुत गमंडी थी . एक दिन वो जंगल के राजा शेर को परेशान कर दिया और शेर उससे बचने के लिए मक्खी को सलाम किया . ये किस्सा उसने हा...