Saturday, February 11, 2023

The Phoenix

Thought, it's time, myself, I shall cleanse,
The body, the mind and that little arrogance
Dwelled in the past, boasted of the brilliance
Soared with eagles, used to that fragrance

Eagles hunt, do  possess a very big wingspan
Fly high, look down eagerly and clearly scan
Skills professional, love to be born in the clan
Fool in me thought "purpose" Good Lord's plan

Some goose fly higher, think same stuff they're made
In elevation they dwell, puff themselves up in pride
There awaits the lord, normalise the memory fade
He cleanse and restart; " the time and the tide"

So very amazing this world- the way thy fix
Doing it one more time- thy match and mix
Wish to come back over to enjoy all those tricks 
"Bless me oh lord" to rise again, as a phoenix





 एक थी मक्खी, वो बहुत गमंडी थी . एक दिन वो जंगल के राजा शेर को परेशान कर दिया और शेर उससे बचने के लिए मक्खी को सलाम किया . ये किस्सा उसने हा...