Hopeless I was not, believed there was a way
Boldly took it head-on, never win running away
Met him at dawn, his aura, from it essences
Then began, the rest of my
life's, very first day
Said he, “Eat not lifeless, take
offerings alive
Resort with self regularly, rest just a long drive”
Make out I could not, though very hard I strive,
Eat living things? their flesh and blood I thrive?
Felt feather-like, I was blown away by a wind
Hungry I was, craved for food, made me blind
Flesh offered, lifeless, with dissent, said my mind
Was looking for food of a very different kind
Closed my eyes, feels free fall down a mountain
Reached a garden, fed by a live water fountain
Fruits, vegetables, leaves, seeds, life it contains
Divinity waiting to be in, take, never complain
Fathom not thy deeds, thy words, so profound
Infinite thy creations, each continue to astound
Search not, divinity is in within, and all around
Bow down to the inner self, go one step beyond
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