Friday, April 26, 2019

Fast food

Met her at joint for fast food, love at first sight,
Thoughts on her, kept him awake all the night
His life with her, their future looked very bright
Conveyed his love for her, she said it’s alright

Married life took off, tasty not, now fast food
Indigestion crept in, the food not cooked good 
Haste decisions, goes wrong, in all likelihood
Later think, decision to be taken in light mood

Disappointed, the food never let both live right
Decided to call it quits, divorced at first fight
Both blame it on the food, with all their might
Taste remains till the mouth, never hold it tight

It’s called junk for some reason, the fast food
Lacks  nutrition, for consumption it’s no good
Now plenty of joints thrive in the neighborhood
What is put in comes out, a fact misunderstood

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Divinity Rules

Earth, solar system's most beloved child
Listen, hear her bleeps, very slow and mild
The planet, lively, pristine, but a bit wild
Observe her aura, an amazing shiny gild

She passionately created the living entity
Humans she love, impressive their ability
Takes over, when they show off audacity
Suffice them with top lessons on humility

Wiped of the dinosaurs, creatures gigantic
Airplanes vanished, capture not even a pic
In no time took away non-sinkable Titanic
Reigning supreme, her way, need not panic

Humans know not, the mysteries of earth
Bermuda Triangle an enigma yet to unearth
Is Marianna deepest trench? a query worth
Reluctantly admit their knowledge’s dearth

She mind not, forget it like her completed spun
Forgive, move on, let her darlings have all fun
Knows when to, else the discipline act she shun
She the only one with life, in the family of sun


Friday, April 19, 2019


Do you have a plan? my manager's query
Yes, to  go with the flow, I replied in a hurry
What?, with the flow, it's a cause of worry
Not at all, plan being flexible, it's a luxury

Some has plan A & B, for sure plan A fail
Some plan more, confused from head to tail
Assumptions to plan, has potential to derail
Some plan not, only option for them, to fail

Challenges come across, plan should adapt
Strategies keep evolving, accordingly adopt
Adjust your plan, execute, record it prompt
Flexibility in plan, exercise one should opt

How good is the plan to go with the flow?
If it works out, then in admiration you glow
But, if did not, feeling as if got a facial blow
Plan worth doing, else you learn a bit slow


Thursday, April 18, 2019

One Rupee Coin

One rupee coin, meant a lot in my childhood
Possess some, all behave with you very good
Give away, you famous in the neighborhood
And, treated like the super star of Hollywood

Rupee, those days a lot of joy it could impart 
Many things it could fetch, even fill your cart
Give it to needy, lasting relations it could start
Offer it to God,  awesome feeling in the heart

Rupee coin changed a lot over a time period
Smaller, now just the size of an app in android
Fading away from our memory & pics in tabloid
No more coins in our pockets, created a void

Piggy banks, collected  coins in it, like a bee
Life not at all easy, declined value of  the rupee
Soon living costly, with a coin, one can just pee
Rupee coins available not any, nowhere to see


Thursday, April 11, 2019

Ladies' Rule

Bitten by a spider, I became a spider man
Built a web, no prey, but got a spider woman
Instantly conveyed my love, for this pretty woman
Soon we family, have powers super human

She in charge, consent I gave, she very dear
Ultimate love of my life, to say “NO” I fear
On top of normal dress, I have an underwear
Her fashion sense designed the way I appear

Am a hero, was it my deeds or was it the suit ?
In the costume one looks smart and super fit
Great color combination, not dull even a bit
Her sense awesome, costume a global super hit  

Human or super human, its the ladies who rule
The ladies are always right, men simply drool
Resist it, life miserable, one looks like a fool
Accept it and get on, now live a life super cool


Tuesday, April 9, 2019


With whom shall I fight, my heart or brain
Anything I chose, end up without any gain 
Can’t take anymore, this agony, and the pain 
Compromise I can’t, want both, no bargain

Dilemma ceased, attention shifts to a fracture
Can't move, my left foot sealed with plaster
Fight not, get on with life, a resolution mature
Love all and find living life, simple in nature

Funny this living, momentary priorities matter
Start focusing on it, suddenly the priority alter
Priority bothers, rest all postpone to a time later
Now set new one, the one which now matter

Desires set as priorities and to them you bow
Live doing "the one thing" really needed now
Whatever, do it with a full heart, do it with love
Prioritize love, feel the bliss of being in love


 एक थी मक्खी, वो बहुत गमंडी थी . एक दिन वो जंगल के राजा शेर को परेशान कर दिया और शेर उससे बचने के लिए मक्खी को सलाम किया . ये किस्सा उसने हा...