Thursday, April 18, 2019

One Rupee Coin

One rupee coin, meant a lot in my childhood
Possess some, all behave with you very good
Give away, you famous in the neighborhood
And, treated like the super star of Hollywood

Rupee, those days a lot of joy it could impart 
Many things it could fetch, even fill your cart
Give it to needy, lasting relations it could start
Offer it to God,  awesome feeling in the heart

Rupee coin changed a lot over a time period
Smaller, now just the size of an app in android
Fading away from our memory & pics in tabloid
No more coins in our pockets, created a void

Piggy banks, collected  coins in it, like a bee
Life not at all easy, declined value of  the rupee
Soon living costly, with a coin, one can just pee
Rupee coins available not any, nowhere to see


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