Saturday, June 15, 2019

Re Birth

Rose from my body, in me nothing earthly remain
Up I go, wander above the lush green mountain
The accumulated virtues in me, I still maintain
Earned nothing from earth, those the only gain

Adamantly lived my life, nothing really proven
My journey started, no clue to hell or to heaven
Lived it better, could I?, took my life as a given
Come on hell with it, the attitude am still driven

Is this heaven? I wondered, the final destination
Neither hell nor heaven, it was a combination
The place- very different from my imagination
Got to choose, decide from the demonstration

Soon given a fresh new body, I was sent back
Fresh thoughts in me, the old memories I track
But how to? I know not, the language they talk
Was a different planet, the life's enigma I crack

Thought of telling them, life exists elsewhere
My kid talk conveyed nothing, none can decipher
Thought my memories faded away year on year
Talk now proper, my old life I don't remember


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