Saturday, November 25, 2017

Awesome couple

Zia Bhai, in here you started your strife
Spent  forty years of your wonderful life
Ably supported by a very beautiful wife
How do you look so young? is the rife!

Smashes in  badminton you always lift
Looks like right  but drops it to the left
Way you move around my eyes I shift
For you look more agile and more fit

You guys make an awesome  couple
Be the way you are keep your smile
Still very fit , both young and gentle
Miss you for sure,  but happy you settle

Will remember you Raziyatha Zia Bhai
Kochi for us  not so far very close by
World is  small so saying no good bye
But for now we aresaying tata bye bye


Friday, November 24, 2017


Always dream with your eyes open
Save all of your dreams with a pen
Chase your dream, make it happen
Find your faith in the "Lord" deepen

"Dream" and relentlessly  start chasing
You see,  the whole world converging
All are with you, to help in achieving
Now your dream is really actualizing

If  you can smile alone,  you nailed it
The dream now true, you did your bit
Living your dreams, don't stop, don't sit
Do what you love doing, sky is the limit

"Bring it on", now ready with passion
Infuse your life with dreams and action
Master the science of shear imagination
Suddenly, you find ultimate satisfaction


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

Big Bro

I was wandering,  trying  to grab attention
The moment he saw me, jumped in to action
Never met before, but felt some connection
Made me feel awesome in this new location

Fed me daily, took my care like I’am his own
Had an ear to my stories, drove me to town
When  I fell ill he wept, suddenly went down
God sent,  I gave  him my “bigbrother “crown

Very emotional this man, lot of idiosyncrasies
Expects a lot from all around, lives in fantasies
Never thinks beyond the well, in it he believes
Don’t know his worth, in comfort zone he relies

Why waste your time &money on relations surreal
They don’t deserve you, they actors on the reel
No polished talk but very true and very  real
Be the way you are my big bro very special ...


Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Project Controls

My dear fellow planning scheduling monitoring costing reporting, documenting, site material controls, risk management etc... etc... people- in one word PROJECT CONTROLS......

Project Controllers ...This is for you guys.

I have always seen people in project controls wanting to move into projects or to other functions fearing that they are not in the mainstream of events, yes that's true.. one do not have the luxury of getting paid like any other dudes do, because the management feels that you are not needed in the stages when the project is outside the country or for that matter during construction you are not required on extra days or extra hours. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING

funny isn't it?

how much did we pay the contractor?  what was we supposed to do today? what if this rate of work carries on for long?  what is the risk if we dint get this material? what is the critical path?
how much progress did we make last week? what is the required at site date of equipment? how many welders we need?

No one Can answer these thousand questions than a Project control guy ... so my dear non project control people including my dearest project managers ask yourself the guy responsible for anything? do i require him/ her?

Project Controls

What a dilemma, the more you control-
the more the project goes out of control
But, you are the one destined to patrol
You the Specialist, in the project controls 

Boss wants you, when he starts loosing control
Relax, no way, nothing is in your control
Use your right brain with lot of self control
Change your thoughts, now feels in control

Light hearts can't perform, can do nothing
Job is specialized, for the rest it’s confusing
No pattern, you always end up thinking 
None but you show the way, by forecasting

Thankless job, no awards, no recognition 
Made to feel, what was (y)our contribution ?
Who cares? move on to the next workstation
A project well done, thrives in its satisfaction


Outstanding project controllers I know

CW Joshi, V Sridhar, Syed Yousaf 

My dear friends : Smitha, Raghavan, Navin, Anindya, Priumvada, Shahnavas Waheeduddin

Young genius; I dont know why these guys keep helping me with all their abilities from wherever they are : Arun, Kavin,Hemant,Joe , Mudit Ashwini, Anoop, Nikita, Ritika, Sahil, Ajay (the last three  comeback)

My compatriots : Deb, Jyoti, Indraneel, Alok, Arpan, Pakki

Sunday, November 19, 2017

We shall Overcome

We shall overcome, shall overcome, someday
Monday Tuesday Wednesday or Thursday
Sung more than million times on million days
Still searching "overcome"?, when is the day

Shall we?, doubtful, we don’t have that drive
Before success, we withdraw, end our strive
Always in our past or future tense we thrive
And present tense is in the struggle to survive

Taught to be selfless, find yourself in a helix
Confused, brain or heart, thoughts are a mix
Be safe first, oxygen mask on others then you fix
Don't let the things slip, we are no phoenix

Unclear what to overcome? " Internal fray" ??
Never thought of it till now,  I am in disarray
Whatever, may be something worth a pray
But still believe we shall overcome some day


Him honge kaamyaab (3) ek din....

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Simple Life

Want to possess each and everything
Later not at all happy with anything
Feel the best things in life aren't things
Makes you happy sweet simple things

Quite often think, why all so serious?
Can't find an answer, am no genius
Living life simply, lot of happiness
Liking even the moments of madness

Live as you like,  make none belittle
At  toughest times show your mettle
Time to move on, when you feel settle
End of the day, smile ,at least a little

Life, at times funny, way you behave
Tend to return more than you receive
Don’t worry, let go, forget and forgive
Why cry? none  come out of it alive


Friday, November 10, 2017

Divine Beings

Spirits moving on from one journey to yet another
Sent to this world by the "Lord", with thy messenger
To take up new life, new world, again as a passenger
Till they turn mere, remains with them the messenger

Knowledge, from the "Lord"directly they receive
Their essence, we,"the lesser beings", can't percieve
Spirits they are, unconditional all what they give
Divine beings from Lord's abode, the kids below five

We, created by the Lord with qualities that are divine
Love, patience, compassion, the qualities sublime
Introspect, search inside you, may find these within
Very easy to loose these, life without discipline

Divine qualities in you, your identity for whole life
Nurture, use, do whatever, but ensure it is kept safe
To take it away, you  may experience many a strafe
Hold, never loose it, once gone, you loose yourself


Monday, November 6, 2017


Always irritated I feel, when things don’t occur swiftly
Quick is never quick enough, want it bit more quickly
Thirty-six weeks to see my kid, I waited so impatiently
This syndrome affecting all and sundry, am not lonely

Our car starts moving when it is ten seconds to green
Won’t hit any,all edgy, to move fast whole world keen
When see someone with in speed limit, we feel spleen
Run to reach the heavens first, to make our slate clean

Impatience, leads to an insane world full of mistakes
Later feel those silly, but no options in life for re-takes
Success comes along, to wait patiently is what it takes
Then you see your life simple, like eating pancakes

Brick by brick buildings are made, patience, the key
Patience, the much needed  virtue, Money can’t buy
If nothing works out, wait, your moment is on the way
And when you wait, all difficult tasks turns very easy


Sunday, November 5, 2017

God Help Us

Election time, they appear with lot of promises
Prospective rulers, seek our blessings & wishes
Later they rule, in return give nothing but lashes
We get fed up & sick with a mind full of rashes

Their hobby, fiddling with  country’s economy
Nothing on public comfort, not a single penny
We do nothing, other than speak about our agony
Not Pakistan, open your eyes, we: our own enemy

Religion, a very useful plaything for politicians
Even educated mass trapped by these magicians
Many know, but close their eyes, act like aliens
In private some say it’s  required, worst citizens

Again the whole cycle repeated after five year
All who wants to stop this, is drowning in here
No clue what to do ? Plunge in?, not at all sure
It’s now out of our hands, God please take care.


Friday, November 3, 2017

Tomorrow never comes

For you... Asif Bhai

Live for today, tomorrow will never come
Everyone  know this, still worry except some
Take it out, suddenly  start feeling awesome
People with lot savings, no more an epitome

Tomorrow is  future you don’t have control
Never bother, leave it to God, let him patrol
Concentrate on job, perfectly perform your role
Enjoy, stop worrying about sugar & cholesterol

Maybe you have done wonders in the past
Living only in those laurels will never last
Live like today is your last day and act fast
Never let today pass without your shot best

Don’t postpone your happiness to tomorrow
Memories & dreams, out your life you throw
Be happy, enjoy, do whatever, but right now
None has seen it, never it exists the tomorrow


Thursday, November 2, 2017

My Sister

Thoughts about you make me child again
Best gift from parents, get no better bargain
Suddenly life changed you were the main
To me, darling, very important you remain

You came in, a golden thread to our world
Big brother, to take your care I acted bold
Loud cries, the way your tricks you sold
You: my pet, my love, though we grew old

Naughty little thing, annoys mom, your sway
When she after you,"come get me" you say
Jump into pond, swim, you smartly get away
You knew she can't swim and can't find a way

First kid raised by me, I enjoyed my time
Close my eyes, see you, your traits and mime
I have a better nose, otherwise you sublime
My sister, you so unique, remain all the same


 एक थी मक्खी, वो बहुत गमंडी थी . एक दिन वो जंगल के राजा शेर को परेशान कर दिया और शेर उससे बचने के लिए मक्खी को सलाम किया . ये किस्सा उसने हा...