Friday, November 10, 2017

Divine Beings

Spirits moving on from one journey to yet another
Sent to this world by the "Lord", with thy messenger
To take up new life, new world, again as a passenger
Till they turn mere, remains with them the messenger

Knowledge, from the "Lord"directly they receive
Their essence, we,"the lesser beings", can't percieve
Spirits they are, unconditional all what they give
Divine beings from Lord's abode, the kids below five

We, created by the Lord with qualities that are divine
Love, patience, compassion, the qualities sublime
Introspect, search inside you, may find these within
Very easy to loose these, life without discipline

Divine qualities in you, your identity for whole life
Nurture, use, do whatever, but ensure it is kept safe
To take it away, you  may experience many a strafe
Hold, never loose it, once gone, you loose yourself


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