Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Project Controls

My dear fellow planning scheduling monitoring costing reporting, documenting, site material controls, risk management etc... etc... people- in one word PROJECT CONTROLS......

Project Controllers ...This is for you guys.

I have always seen people in project controls wanting to move into projects or to other functions fearing that they are not in the mainstream of events, yes that's true.. one do not have the luxury of getting paid like any other dudes do, because the management feels that you are not needed in the stages when the project is outside the country or for that matter during construction you are not required on extra days or extra hours. YOU ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANYTHING

funny isn't it?

how much did we pay the contractor?  what was we supposed to do today? what if this rate of work carries on for long?  what is the risk if we dint get this material? what is the critical path?
how much progress did we make last week? what is the required at site date of equipment? how many welders we need?

No one Can answer these thousand questions than a Project control guy ... so my dear non project control people including my dearest project managers ask yourself ....is the guy responsible for anything? do i require him/ her?

Project Controls

What a dilemma, the more you control-
the more the project goes out of control
But, you are the one destined to patrol
You the Specialist, in the project controls 

Boss wants you, when he starts loosing control
Relax, no way, nothing is in your control
Use your right brain with lot of self control
Change your thoughts, now feels in control

Light hearts can't perform, can do nothing
Job is specialized, for the rest it’s confusing
No pattern, you always end up thinking 
None but you show the way, by forecasting

Thankless job, no awards, no recognition 
Made to feel, what was (y)our contribution ?
Who cares? move on to the next workstation
A project well done, thrives in its satisfaction


Outstanding project controllers I know

CW Joshi, V Sridhar, Syed Yousaf 

My dear friends : Smitha, Raghavan, Navin, Anindya, Priumvada, Shahnavas Waheeduddin

Young genius; I dont know why these guys keep helping me with all their abilities from wherever they are : Arun, Kavin,Hemant,Joe , Mudit Ashwini, Anoop, Nikita, Ritika, Sahil, Ajay (the last three  comeback)

My compatriots : Deb, Jyoti, Indraneel, Alok, Arpan, Pakki

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