Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Parental Concerns

Was sitting by the seashore, since I was free 
Lost in stunning sound of the Arabian Sea
Late night, pitch black, nothing I could see
Appears before me, in all black, ladies three

Frantically look for something these women
Followed closely by two young security men
Kids missing, said them, not a good omen
Not in here, not in the sea, said my acumen

Fathom not the pain, ideal not the situation
Inconsolable they were, heated up the tension
Message came in, kids safe, playing play station
Saw the kids and flowed in all their affection

Reminded me of my childhood days, this act
Then kid, never knew mom’s agony, it’s effect
Concerned parents, kids safety their prime aspect
Without kids the parents life seems imperfect


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