Thursday, July 9, 2020

The Real Virtual World

Suddenly a freeze- stopped the human brain 
Countour a small hiccup, brains down the drain
Nothing left in right, nothing right in left-brain
Stop not for long, starts the virtual apps rain

Earth-a place to be in, plenty happening in actual
Slowly took us over, our own ideas conceptual
The world shrunk in no time, a change perpetual
Virtual world a reality, real-world now virtual 

Desires put in practice, mirrors the real world
Everything just a click away, avail sand to gold
Life in loneliness, though many friends to behold
Get used to it, here to stay for sure, this world 

Express easy, no more introverts, extroverts all turn 
Emotions to emoticons, some fake- some burn 
Virtual world' a reality, gives many - a heartburn
Let brain control, else to the real world no return


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