Tuesday, September 19, 2017

GRACE Mukherjee

Eight years ago,saw an angel from space
She had a toothless smile on her little face
She was gracious, quiet, was named Grace
Now very naughty runs all over the place

I fell in love with her at the very first sight
Lovely daughter you are, to our delight
After your birth the time has taken a flight
Feels like yesterday, but years past eight

Oh!lovely little doll! Born in September
Grow up right, my girl always remember
We five, each of us your family member
You, there in our thoughts, even in slumber

Long way to go, learn, be a good human
Acquire Knowledge increase your brain span
Believe in yourself, all negatives you ban
Unique you are, show world what you can


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 एक थी मक्खी, वो बहुत गमंडी थी . एक दिन वो जंगल के राजा शेर को परेशान कर दिया और शेर उससे बचने के लिए मक्खी को सलाम किया . ये किस्सा उसने हा...